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Move In Day

Help - My Bed Is Broken!

Is Your Bed Broken?

We are Here to Help!

The Sage Living Team inspects all suites after Tenants move-out. During this inspection we will do our best to inspect every single bed frame to ensure all slats and bed frames look to be in good condition.

But, sometimes we can’t find every damaged bed frame on time and a Tenant will request a repair for their bed frame.

If You Have A Broken Bed Frame

Please format your email to include:

  • Email Subject - ‘Broken Bed - [Building - Suite # - Room #]

    Example: Broken Bed - Sage 2 - Suite 101 - Room 1
    It is important to identify the room number to the best of your abilities if you are in a multi-room suite. If you are in a 1-bedroom suite, you will not have to include the room number

  • Email Body - Please include your Name, Email, Phone Number, Building, Suite #, Room # (if needed), and Specific Problem
    Example of Specific Problem: Common problems may be a broken bed frame (the four sides of the bed, a broken bed support (the centre beam which extends from the top to bottom of the bed frame under the mattress), and broken bed slats (the small horizontal supports between the bed support and sides of the bed frame)

  • Please Include Photos - Sometimes contractors don’t quite understand the problem and will bring incorrect tools or supplies. Photos can help to identify the exact problem and help the contractor repair the problem faster

Have Additional Questions?

I Moved In & My Suite Is Damaged - What Do I Do?

Did You Just Move Into Your Suite And Notice Some Damage?

We are Here to Help!

Your Deficiency Report Is SUPER IMPORTANT

All Tenants have 7-Days to complete and submit their Move-In Deficiency Report. It’s really important you identify problems as soon as you move into the suite. This way our office can better identify damage caused by previous Tenants that was hidden during our previous suite inspections.

If you notice anything in your suite is damaged or deficient, please complete the following:


When emailing, please include:

  • Title the email ‘Deficiency Report’ with the Building and Suite #
    Example: ‘Deficiency Report - Sage 2 - Suite 101’

  • Within the email, include your Name, Building Location, Suite Number, and list of Deficient Items

  • Please include Photos of the Deficient Items

Receive Confirmation

When you send an email, a member of the Resident Services team will review your message and reply with additional information as soon as possible.

Keep in mind that repairs are completed on a priority basis with assistance being offered to emergency repairs as the highest priority. An emergency repair would normally be classified as an item that is causing immediate complications and by not assisting, or repairing the problem within a short period of time, the problem can become greatly worse.
An example of an emergency repair may include: broken bed frame, water leak, broken door locks, etc.

Repair Complete

A third party contractor will be scheduled to assist as described by the Resident Services Team Member.

We encourage all Tenants to assist in making sure the location where the repair is required is clear and any items which may block the repair removed.
Example: moving aside furniture or personal belongings from the damaged area.

This will help the contractor and allow them to better asses and repair the damaged item.

If you are not home, not a problem, our contractors are provided keys by our office which they must return when the work is complete. Contractors will not enter the suite unless there is an emergency or the Tenant is informed of the contractor’s scheduled repair time.

Have Additional Questions?

Rent Cafe - How to Use Rent Cafe

Rent Cafe Is An Amazing Tool Available To All Tenants. Want To Learn More?

We are Here to Help!

What is Rent Cafe?

Rent Cafe functions as your online Tenant portal.
Tenants can PAY RENT, MAKE WORK ORDERS, REVIEW TAX STATEMENTS and more all through Rent Cafe.

Keep in mind, you may have signed an agreement as part of your lease where you informed our office you will be making monthly payments to Sage Living through Rent Cafe.

Rent payments can be completed as single one-time payments or you can choose to arrange reoccurring rent payments through Rent Cafe.

Accessing + Registering for Rent Cafe

To access the Rent Cafe login page: Click Here
To register, you will need to enter your name and email address as it appears on your lease agreement

Tenants can also download the Rent Cafe phone application and access all this information directly from their mobile device.

Rent Cafe is a feature Sage Living will continue to grow and improve upon for our Tenants. We hope to include more features within Rent Cafe each year.